“Healing begins where the wound was made.”
-Alice Walker
Energy Healings
Healing is a process. As a sensitive and complicated people, it seems that we truly cannot get enough healing. When in health, our bodies are attracted to things and experiences that are naturally healing for the spirit. These days we are overbooked and highly stressed, so this sacred balance is typically out of whack.
Getting a healing will get you back in communication with the greater part of you. So that you can get back to healing naturally through cooking, dancing, and getting lost in the woods.
Aura Cleanse
Sometimes, you just need it.
Chakra Tuning
Get your energy and your body realigned to your authentic, true essence. This is one of our favorite healings to facilitate.
Home Healing
It is really great to bring loved ones into the home. And if you are like me, it is even greater to remove them when the party’s over.